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AllCreds Compromised Credential Screening

Stop Accepting Compromised Usernames & Passwords

AllCreds enables organizations to proactively make dynamic, risk-based decisions on each user or login attempt, to strategically present forms of step-up authentication, or to require password resets—based on whether their username & password have been compromised and/or successfully used by bad actors on other sites. 

Image by Tyler Franta

AllCreds is built on myNetWatchman’s live data surveillance and proprietary data repository of over 35 billion exposed credential pairs and over 800 million protected user accounts. Not just compromised passwords, but credentials pairs. Not just credentials that have been breached, but those that are actively being used.

  • As an integral part of the customer credential verification cycle, be alerted during account setup, account resets, or at login if customers attempt to use credential pairs known to be compromised by criminals.

  • Be aware of active use of compromised credential pairs before it’s too late.

  • Verify a credential pairs’, username and password, have not been used by criminals, anywhere.

  • Strategically present forms of step-up authentication or  require password resets.

  • Make dynamic, risk-based decisions on each user or login attempt.

  • Respond appropriately based on your own protocols and procedures.

How Companies Are Using
AllCreds Compromised
Credential Screening

Credit Card
Powerful Prevention Against ATO

Our data analysis has shown that bad actors will test credentials multiple times before an attack—sometimes months or years before. Companies using AllCreds can proactively prompt users to change their passwords before an actual attack for monetization occurs. 

Image by Adrien
How AllCreds Works with Your Credential Verification Cycle

With AllCreds, a simple API call checks the credential pair (username and password) against 35+ billion compromised credential pairs in less than the blink of an eye. The credentials are flagged if they've ever been used by a criminal anywhere. Then your policies decide what to do with next.



Avoiding Credential Stuffing, ATO Attacks

An international, omni-channel retailer with significant global online sales learns how to slash exploits of compromised customer login credentials from more than 532,000 to fewer than 49,000

Request Free 15-Minute Demo

“One ISP reduced ATO from an average of 3,000 accounts per day to 4 accounts per day.”

See More of myNetWatchman’s Suite of Proactive Threat Protection Solutions

See More of myNetWatchman’s Suite of Proactive Threat Protection Solutions

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